Saturday, May 23, 2009

Semi-Permanent Change of Venue

Due to overwhelming support by members who voted at the May meeting, the June 11, 2009 meeting and AGM will be held at Owl's Nest Bookstore in Brittania Plaza (Elbow Drive and 49th Avenue SW, Calgary), starting at the usual time of 7 p.m.

Speaker TBA.

Further, the attending members voted overwhelmingly to move to the bookstore for the new Ink year starting in September 2009.

The venue will be reviewed by membership consultation toward the end of the next Ink season (May/June 2010) and a decision made then whether to stay at Owl's Nest or move back to the Old Y.

Meanwhile, the mailing address will continue to be care of the Old y as shown on the website.

How to Decontaminate a Meth Lab

From "Forensic Magazine" :

Homemade laboratories pose dangerous risks not only to those running them, but also to neighbors and the environment. The chemicals involved in meth production are toxic, corrosive, and flammable, creating a high risk of contamination. Further, it is estimated that the production of one pound of meth produces over 5 pounds of toxic waste. As most clandestine “cooks” are amateurs, you can expect a good deal of contamination in a seized lab. Not only will all surfaces be contaminated by the fumes, but much of the toxic waste will have been disposed of in sinks, toilets, bathtubs, and the land surrounding the lab.

For the full article go to