Books listed here are owned by Mystery Writers Ink and available for members to borrow. Contact the Librarian to request titles.
Crimes and Criminals |
APPLEBAUM, Judith | How to Get Happily Published |
ARCARO, Gino | Criminal Investigation: Forming Reasonable Grounds 3 Ed |
BINTLIFF, Russell | Police Procedural: writer's guide to police/how work |
BOYD, Neil | Canadian Law - An Introduction 3rd Ed |
BURSTEIN, Harvey | Criminal Investigation (An Introduction) |
CALGARY POLICE DEPT. | The Policeman's Notebook (photocopies) |
DOUGLAS, John E. et al | Crime Classification Manual |
DRAPEAU, Col.(Ret.) Michel W. | Canadian Military Law (folder) |
FALLIS, Greg | Just the Facts, Ma'am: writer's gd to investigative technqs |
FARON, Fay | Rip-Off: writer's gd to crimes of deception |
GILBERT, James N. | Criminal Investigation 5th Ed. |
GOFF, Colin | Criminal Justice in Canada 2nd Ed |
GROSMAN, Brian | Police Command (Decisions & Discretion) |
LYMAN, Michael D | Criminal Investigation: The Art & The Science |
MILLER, Larry & BRASWELL, Michael | Human Relations & Police Work |
MACTIRE, Sean | Malicious Intent: a writer's guide to how criminals think |
PAGE, David W., M D | Body Trauma: a writer's guide to wounds and injuries |
WESTON, Paul et al | Criminal Investigation: Basic Perspectives |
WINGATE, Anne | Scene of the Crime: wrtrs guide to crime scene investig'n |
| |
Writing Tips and Techniques |
APPLEBAUM, Judith | How to Get Happily Published |
BERTON, Pierre | The Joy of Writing |
BICKHAM, Jack | Scene & Structure: Elements of Fiction Writing |
BROWN, Rita Mae | Starting from Scratch: diff kind of writers manual |
CARD, Orson Scott | Characters & Viewpoint: Elements of Fiction Writing |
DIBELL, Anson | Plot: Elements of Fiction Writing |
EMERSON, Kathy Lynn | How to Write Killer Historical Mysteries |
EVANOVICH, Janet | How I Write |
EVANOVICH, Janet | The Rocky Road to Romance |
FREY, James | How to Write a Damn Good Mystery |
FREY, James N. | How to Write Damn Good Fiction Using the Power of Myth |
GOLDBERG, Natalie | Writing Down the Bones; Freeing the Writer Within |
GRAFTON, Sue (Editor) | Writing Mysteries: Handbook by Myst. Writers of America |
HODGINS, Jack | A Passion for Narrative: Gd for Wrtg Fiction rev.2001 |
KING, Stephen | On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft |
KRESS, Nancy | Beginnings, Middles & Ends: Elements of Fiction Writing |
KRESS, Nancy | Dynamic Characters: How to Create Persnlts to Captivate |
LAMOTT, Anne | Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life |
LUCKE, Margaret | Writing Mysteries |
McCUTCHEON & WAITE | The Writers Brainstorming Kit: Thinking in New Directions |
O'CORK, Shannon | How to Write Mysteries |
PICKARD, Nancy & LOTT, Lynn | Seven Steps on the Writer's Path |
RODALE, J.I. (Editor) | The Word Finder |
ROERDEN, Chris | Don't Murder Your Mystery |
STENSON, Fred | Things Feigned or Imagined: The Craft of Fiction |
TURCO, Lewis | Dialogue: How to Get Characters Talking to Each Other… |
WHEAT, Carolyn | How to Write Killer Fiction |