The Bloody Library

Books listed here are owned by Mystery Writers Ink and available for members to borrow. Contact the Librarian to request titles.

Crimes and Criminals


APPLEBAUM, Judith How to Get Happily Published
ARCARO, Gino Criminal Investigation: Forming Reasonable Grounds 3 Ed
BINTLIFF, Russell Police Procedural: writer's guide to police/how work
BOYD, Neil Canadian Law - An Introduction  3rd Ed
BURSTEIN, Harvey Criminal Investigation (An Introduction)
CALGARY POLICE DEPT. The Policeman's Notebook (photocopies)
DOUGLAS, John E. et al Crime Classification Manual
DRAPEAU, Col.(Ret.) Michel W. Canadian Military Law (folder)
FALLIS, Greg Just the Facts, Ma'am: writer's gd to investigative technqs
FARON, Fay Rip-Off: writer's gd to crimes of deception
GILBERT, James N. Criminal Investigation  5th Ed.
GOFF, Colin Criminal Justice in Canada   2nd Ed
GROSMAN, Brian Police Command (Decisions & Discretion)
LYMAN, Michael D Criminal Investigation: The Art & The Science
MILLER, Larry & BRASWELL, Michael Human Relations & Police Work
MACTIRE, Sean Malicious Intent: a writer's guide to how criminals think
PAGE, David W., M D Body Trauma: a writer's guide to wounds and injuries
WESTON, Paul  et al Criminal Investigation: Basic Perspectives
WINGATE, Anne Scene of the Crime: wrtrs guide to crime scene investig'n

Writing Tips and Techniques

APPLEBAUM, Judith How to Get Happily Published
BERTON, Pierre The Joy of Writing
BICKHAM, Jack Scene & Structure: Elements of Fiction Writing
BROWN, Rita Mae Starting from Scratch: diff kind of writers manual
CARD, Orson Scott Characters & Viewpoint: Elements of Fiction Writing
DIBELL, Anson Plot: Elements of Fiction Writing
EMERSON, Kathy Lynn How to Write Killer Historical Mysteries
EVANOVICH, Janet How I Write
EVANOVICH, Janet The Rocky Road to Romance
FREY, James How to Write a Damn Good Mystery
FREY, James N. How to Write Damn Good Fiction Using the Power of Myth
GOLDBERG, Natalie Writing Down the Bones; Freeing the Writer Within
GRAFTON, Sue (Editor) Writing Mysteries: Handbook by Myst. Writers of America
HODGINS, Jack A Passion for Narrative: Gd for Wrtg Fiction rev.2001
KING, Stephen On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
KRESS, Nancy Beginnings, Middles & Ends: Elements of Fiction Writing
KRESS, Nancy Dynamic Characters: How to Create Persnlts to Captivate
LAMOTT, Anne Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life
LUCKE, Margaret Writing Mysteries
McCUTCHEON & WAITE The Writers Brainstorming Kit: Thinking in New Directions
O'CORK, Shannon How to Write Mysteries
PICKARD, Nancy & LOTT, Lynn Seven Steps on the Writer's Path
RODALE, J.I. (Editor) The Word Finder
ROERDEN, Chris Don't Murder Your Mystery
STENSON, Fred Things Feigned or Imagined: The Craft of Fiction
TURCO, Lewis Dialogue: How to Get Characters Talking to Each Other…
WHEAT, Carolyn How to Write Killer Fiction