Saturday, June 4, 2011

The big moment arrives!

Prepping for the prize draw: Sharon Wildwind stuffing the ballot box

The panelists getting ready to face the lions... er, audience: Sharon Wildwind, Joan Donaldson-Yarmey, Garry Ryan and Susan Calder listening while moderator Anthony Bidulka lays out the ground rules.

Somebody's getting excited !!!!

Audience members filing in to their first panel of the weekend. We had a full house thanks in part to our prime placement on the schedule and also to the stellar work of our panelists in pushing a draw-ticket/advertisement to every single person at the conference's opening reception.

And they're OFF!

It all winds down in a surprisingly short time, with a happy woman named Benny as the proud winner of the prize basket stuffed to the gills with books and other goodies provided by the panelists (plus a bottle of wine and and an Ink mug to drink it from).

This panel brought many positive comments and a lot of interest from mystery readers from across Canada. Many thanks to the Bloody Words Committee for hosting, the panelists for participating, our wonderful moderator Tony B for keeping all the conversational balls in the air, and Mystery Writers Ink and the Alberta Foundation for the Arts for funding support.